With the introduction of the internet, the last decade has seen an explosion in the amount of data collected by many enterprises. The challenge now is to leverage this data to increase business and value-add to existing relationships. We are a Brisbane based consultancy that specializes in AI (Artificial intelligence)

Training Data→AI

    Many small-medium enterprises think AI is only for big technology players like Facebook and Google and have trouble conceptualizing how AI can be used in their business.

    AI can be trained to learn something, i.e. to learn they need Training Data. For example, if your company has a known list of users who you know are likely to receptive to a particular product, our products can be trained on those known users. The AI can then be deployed to a much larger dataset and find other customers who are match the known-list. If you have some training data that you want to apply to all your data then AI is perfect for you.

Business Benefits of AI

AI can help:

    • Make existing products better by enhancing the features, functions and performance of existing products
    • Optimize internal business functions
    • Automate the supply chain
    • Free up workers to be more productive by automating tasks
    • Make better decisions based on data

    sourced from Harvard Business Review, 2018

Make existing products better

AgileDev’s AI products address three main business needs:

    Predictive Data Insight

    Use our technology to find meaning in vast volumes of data i.e:

    • personalize the customer experience by offering customers the thing they are much more likely to want
    • predict what a particular customer is likely to buy
    • find specific types of target users e.g. users who like predominately horror movies
    • identify clients who are likely to be participating in fraud based on known fraudsters
    • analyze emerging topics in a business’s marketplace e.g. daily stock research

    Recommender Systems

    Recommender systems recommend products and services based on the preferences and buying patterns of similar users. Spotify is a typical example of an AI based recommender system that recommends songs based on songs played by like-minded users.

    Robot Process Automation

    Save time by automating research and manual jobs i.e. process daily reports for relevant topics, email filtering, automated ordering.


AgileDev offers three main AI products:

    AI Classifier®

    AgileDev’s AI Classifer® can be taught to learn input/output sequences e.g. this image is dog, this set of features means the client is “high-value”

    AI Profiler®

    AgileDev’s Profiler® can identify likely suspects/prospects by analyzing patterns in large amounts of data i.e. in the context of a movie site, it can find users who predominately like horror movies and no other types of movies.

    AI Recommender®

    AgileDev’s AI Recommender® allows companies to recommend items to users based on other like minded users i.e. in the context of a movie site, users who like horror will be recommended similar movies.

Example of output of our AI Recommender® products

Google driven AI

    AgileDev’s products are based on the Google Tensorflow engine.

    About Tensorflow

    TensorFlow™ is an open source software library for AI. Originally developed as part of Google Brain, the technology is used by Google itself for its AI products e.g. Google Translate, Google Maps etc.